Judy’s just fantastic. She’s so kind and so gentle. She’s very good at making people feel comfortable and helping them from where they’re at. Her classes are meant for everyone no matter your level. You feel like you had a decent workout and that you’re stretched out. Your body feels so good at the end. And when you’re in savasana you’re really just enjoying being here.
Sign up for yoga classes
Get a jumpstart on the New Year with 500 HR Registered Yoga Teacher Judy Chan. Offering various sessions to help you start 2023 off right! Choose from 5 week classes or drop in. Great for beginners or experienced yogis, with equipment available for use. All classes start on January 10, 2023.
Slow & Strong
Tuesdays – 5 weeks – $50 + membership
Choose 6:30 or 7:45 p.m. class
Focuses on relaxation and mindfulness while moving through poses at a slower pace with deeper synchronized breaths. Great for those looking for a low-impact healing session.
Thursdays – 5 weeks – $50 + membership
Choose 6:30 or 7:45 p.m. class
More of a cardiovascular and strength-building style, which integrates breath, movement, strength, flexibility, and balance.
$10 drop in
Fridays 9:30 a.m. class
Blends two styles of yoga into one practice. It works the muscles and blood flow, building strength and flexibility. A slower practice, poses are held longer working into the connective tissue and joints in the body.

Meet your instructor
Judy Chan began practicing yoga in 2008 and instantly recognized the countless healing benefits yoga has to offer. In 2018, she completed her RYT 300, and in 2022 her RYT 500, at the Alberta Yoga College.
She also has her Prenatal Yoga teaching certification at Metta Yoga Calgary. She enjoys teaching various styles of yoga and hopes to continue to study innovative ways to help her students. As a teacher, Judy is warm and welcoming, she creates a safe, non-competitive space for her students to explore beneath the surface of their daily lives to find insight and inspiration. Her classes offer creative sequences focusing on the importance of alignment, pranayama (breath work) and mindfulness.
As a mom of two boys, her life is full of excitement and activity, when she is not chasing her boys around or teaching yoga, she loves to run, cycle, and hike. Take her class to feel at peace and grounded.