_ HHCA Board


Planning Committee

The Huntington Hills Community Association has a Planning Committee. Our mandate is to support the community at large with regard to planning-related issues in our community.

We all have a role in building a great city to live, work, and enjoy! Community members including residents, business owners, local groups, organizations, and more can contribute insight and participate. View the City of Calgary’s Community Outreach Roles & Responsibilities guide to learn more.  

Interested in planning and development in Huntington Hills? Residents (not just board members) are welcome to join our committee!  

We’re in the early stages of getting established. Stay up to date and join our team!

Kurt Layton, Molly McDonald, Maren Tryon, Terry Moschopedis
Contact us for more information: reception@huntingtonhillscalgary.com


Learn about proposals, current statuses, and submit comments.

Find policy info, application checklists, bylaws, and more.

Information on public hearings and ways to engage.